At issue in this case is whether Defendants Robert M. Gervis and Laurie L. Gervis (Defendants or Gervis) may use for access a right-of-way easement (Right of Way) located on property owned by Plaintiff Arthur X. Duffy, as Trustee of Sylvan Avenue Realty Trust (Plaintiff or Duffy). The parties own adjacent residential properties in West Newton. Duffy's property comprises both registered and recorded land, over which the Right of Way crosses. Plaintiff contends that his property is not subject to any rights in favor of Defendants because the burden of the Right of Way does not appear on his certificate of title. The property owned by the Gervises comprises several parcels of land which are shown on the attached Sketch, along with the Duffy Property, for reference.
A decision of today's date has issued. In accordance with that decision, and utilizing the designations given to the properties involved as set forth in the Decision and shown on the Sketch attached hereto, it is hereby
ADJUDGED, ORDERED and DECLARED that Defendants, as owners of the Triangle Lot and the Driveway Lot, two of the three lots comprising Gervis Parcel 1, have rights in and over the Right of Way on the registered portion of the Duffy Property to benefit the Triangle Lot and Driveway Lot; it is further
ADJUDGED, ORDERED and DECLARED Defendants, as owners of both the House Lot (the third lot comprising Gervis Parcel 1), and Gervis Parcel 2, do not have appurtenant rights in and over the Right of Way on the registered portion of the Duffy Property appurtenant to either the House Lot or Gervis Parcel 2. This is so because Charles E. Gibson's purported reservation of rights in the Right of Way in December 1916, to benefit his wife, Helen K. Gibson, then owner of the House Lot and Gervis Parcel 2, was not effective; it is further
ADJUDGED, ORDERED and DECLARED that Defendants' use of the Right of Way to benefit the House Lot portion of Gervis Parcel 1 and Gervis Parcel 2 impermissibly overloads the Right of Way as a matter of law; it is further
ADJUDGED, ORDERED and DECLARED that the stone wall at issue in this case is located on the Duffy Property; and it is further
ORDERED a certified copy of this Judgment, together with the attached Sketch may be recorded and registered with the Middlesex Registry of Deeds upon the payment of applicable fees.
By the Court.
exhibit 1